Why did I get an email from "Cronofy"?
Don't worry, it's legit. Bookedin uses a 3rd party service called "Cronofy" to power our Calendar Sync feature. Cronofy handles syncing your Bookedin calendar to-and-from your personal calendar (Google, Office365, Outlook.com, iCloud or Exchange).
Here's an example email and what to do if you receive it.
If you receive this email, simply click the blue button to re-link your calendar. Then you're all set!
However.... if your account was "un-linked" for a long period of time, any appointments created in that time period won't automatically sync upon clicking the magic blue button. If this is the case, please follow these steps to start your calendar sync from scratch.
STEP 1: Disconnect sync:
- Login to Bookedin web
- Go to Settings > Calendar Sync (top menu)
- In the list, find the calendar sync that matches your email address in the Cronofy email
- Click delete (no data loss will occur, this simply disconnects your sync)
STEP 2: Set up new sync:
(This will populate any and all missing appointments)
- Click "Add new Calendar Sync"
- Follow these steps to re-connect your sync (video instructions here)