Share your booking page

Congrats! You've set up online booking and you're ready to share your services with the world.

It's time to share your online booking page and invite your clients to book online. You can share via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, email, or just copy your link and text/SMS it to your clients. 

Fun fact: 47% of people who share their page book a new appointment in 24 hours or less! 

How to share via Mobile App

  1. Launch the iPhone or Android app
  2. Tap Settings
  3. Tap Online Booking Page option
  4. Choose any of the share options or tap-and-hold the link at the top of the screen to copy to your clipboard

How to Share via Desktop

  1. Sign in to Bookedin web
  2. Click on either of the share links shown in the top menu
  3.  Choose any of the share options

More ways to spread the word:

