Change your regular weekly business hours
NOTE: This will change availability on all weeks going forward. Learn how to change hours for one specific date here.
Mobile App Instructions:
- If you have more than one calendar, choose the name by tapping at the top
- Tap Change weekly business hours
- Tap on a day of the week to edit it
- Tap on the start time or end time to edit the time slot
- Tap Add time slot to add more available hours. This can help you create a lunch break, split shift, or multiple availabilities throughout the day.
- Tap remove to delete a time slot. Ex. If you want to mark all Saturdays off, just remove all time slots.
- That's it! Your public online booking page and private Bookedin calendar are immediately updated with your changes.
Web App Instructions:
- Sign in to Bookedin web
- Near the top-right of the calendar, click the Business hours button then Change weekly business Hours
- Now you can edit your hours for each day of the week! Add, remove, or edit time slots for each day of the week. This availability will repeat for all weeks going forward.
- Click Save
- Repeat the steps if you have more than one calendar in your account.