Add Online Booking to Google My Business
- Log in to your Google My Business listing:
If you don't have an account, you can create one for free here:
Fill in your business name and and contact info. Note: in order to see your changes live, you will be asked to verify by having a code mailed to your address. While you're waitinfg on verification, you can fill in the rest of your profile:
- In the left menu, click "Info"
- Scroll down to "Appointment URL" then click the pencil icon to edit your URLs
- Under "Appointment URL" paste in your Bookedin link. It will look something like this: (copy this from your Bookedin account settings. Need an account? Click here)
- Click "Apply" and that's it! Once you are verified, your clients will be able to book appointments directly from Google Maps and your Google business listing.