Changing your business name, website, or address
All of your business contact and location information can be changed in your Bookedin account under 'Business Info'. Here's how:
- Log in to Bookedin web or launch the mobile app (must be account owner)
- Go to Settings > Business/Contact Info
- Edit your business name, type, phone, email, website, location, etc. You can also hide your address from clients here too. This will update your Business contact information displayed on your public online booking page and in the client emails.
- Note: Your business timezone can't be changed here, but if you need this please contact our support.
- Hit "Save Changes" if you're on the web. If you're on mobile, your changes get saved automatically.
Note: Booking notifications are sent to the email address specified on your individual calendars. If clients reply to these emails, they get sent to the master business email address.