Client history

NOTE: The word "clients" is personalized based on your industry. You might see "customers", "patients" or "students", or another custom word in your account. We'll stick with "clients" to make this article a bit easier to read. =)

Bookedin keeps track of all of your clients, their booking history, payment history, and any detailed information you need to track. Here is a quick tour of everything you can do with your Bookedin clients list. 

Where is my client list?

  • Log in to Bookedin 
  • Click Clients on the left menu. This will take you to your client list.


Main Client List View

  • Client List: An alphabetized list of all your Bookedin clients
  • Search: by name or phone number
  • Add new client: You can manually add clients, but note clients get automatically added when an appointment is booked. Learn more about adding clients
  • Delete: Check the box beside client name then Delete
  • Request a Payment: Sends client a payment request email for any amount

Client Profiles

To view an individual client click View details & history. This will show you their full client information, booking history, and payment history.

  • Client Info Tab: 
    This tab contains the heart of the client file and all information you've collected or added about this client. Custom client info you've collected will also appear here.

  • Bookings History Tab: 
    This tab displays the full booking history of your client. You'll see the full information about each booking (including whether it was confirmed in advance and if the client was a no-show) so you'll always have the details on hand. Custom booking info will also appear here.


  • Payment History Tab:
    A history of all payments requested and paid by this client including the service name, price, date paid (if applicable), and option to issue a refund. If you sent a payment request and they have not paid, there is an option to re-send the payment request. 

