One-day-only availability changes [video]
Here's how to edit your available hours on one specific day. Perfect for marking off holidays/vacation days, opening up new time-slots, or just blocking off an extra long lunch break this Friday. ;)
NOTE: This will only change availability on individual days. Learn how to edit your Recurring/Weekly Business Hours.
Web App Instructions:
- Log in to Bookedin web
- Hit the Business Hours button then click Change hours by day (top-right of calendar)
- Now tap or click anywhere on your calendar to create an available or unavailable block of time. Drag the handles to make the block longer or shorter.
- Click Make Unavailable buttons to mark that day unavailable
- Click DONE to exit availability mode
NOTE: Dark gray = NOT available. Light gray = available.
Mobile App Instructions:
- Launch the Android or iPhone mobile app
- Tap the Hours menu
- If you have more than one calendar, choose the calendar you want to edit by tapping the name at the top
- Choose Change hours by day
- Find the day you want to edit by tapping the < or > arrows, or tapping on the date to use a date-picker
- To mark a full day off, tap the Available on this day toggle to the OFF position.
- To turn on/off just a few hours, scroll down through the day, and tap the toggles on each specific time slots
- To edit shorter increments, tap the blue arrow, and 15 minute intervals will appear
That's it! Your changes get instantly reflected on your public online booking page and website booking calendar.